Innovea® L+
Modular, high-performance speakers for your trials and crops!
Why using Innovea® L+?
The Innovea® L+ mobile cultivation chamber provides a large working area with perfectly controlled climatic parameters.
This phytotron allows you to perform repeatable experiments and calibrated cultures.
In Vitro culture, germination, growth, pathological tests, insect breeding, mollusc breeding… Innovea® L+ will perfectly adapt to your most demanding needs.

Physical Characteristics
Useful volume and external dimensions:
Innovea® L 1000 : 1038l ( 1200 x 900 x 2000)
Innovea® L 1300 : 1337l (1500 x 900 x 2000)
Innovea® L1500 : 1521l (1800 x 900 x 2000)
From 1 to 5 levels of culture
Horizontal airflow and horizontal LEDs for each level of culture
Temperature range (light off): +4°C to +40°C
Hygrometry : 40 to 95%.
Programming: Digital multi-program controller
Electrical connection: 220-240 V 11A 50Hz
The Innovea® L+ climatic chamber allows for a large cultivation area of up to 5.05m².
Its adjustable shelves in height allow you to adapt the phytotron to your current needs.
Multiple lighting variants are available: fixed intensity or dimmable LEDs, numerous architectural or horticultural spectrums, even variable spectrums
The multi-program digital controller allows the programming of numerous parameters and the recording of curves that can be extracted later.
Multiple options are available for the L+ model: extensions of the basic enthalpy range (temperature range, humidity range), lighting configuration, mechanical and electrical devices, control and connectivity complements, CO2 measurement and control, measurement of other gases…
What electrical connection is required?
The Innovea® L+ climatic chamber is connected to a normal 16A power outlet
Can we have a different light for each level?
Yes, each crop level has its own individual lighting and can therefore be independently programmed
What are the differences with your other two climate chamber models?
There are many differences in terms of their operation and capabilities. Can’t decide between two models? Contact us at contact@strader.fr